Public Comment on Draft Plan
12 Apr 2016
PUBLIC NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE to submit the 2016-2017 Workforce Annual Plan for the utilization of State and Federal Employment and Training Funds in Local Workforce Development Area 2 (LWDA2).
LWDA 2 encompasses the following counties: Becker, Beltrami, Cass, Clay, Clearwater, Crow Wing, Douglas, Grant, Hubbard, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Morrison, Otter Tail, Pope, Stevens, Todd, Traverse, Wadena and Wilkin. Services will be provided to employers, job seekers and workers through one-stop shopping at local WorkForce Centers. The operator of the centers is a partnership consisting of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), Rural Minnesota CEP (RMCEP), Rehabilitation Services and State Services for the Blind. The WorkForce Development Board will ensure that the workforce investment system meets the labor market needs of its customers. RMCEP will provide Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), State Dislocated Worker Program, Minnesota Youth Program (MYP) and Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) services. WIOA is a federal funded program designed to increase the occupational skills attainment, employment, job retention and earnings of participants in order to improve the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the nation. The State Dislocated Worker Program assists workers who lose their jobs because of layoff or plant closing. MYP provides summer jobs and basic work skills training for youth age 14-21. SCSEP provides part-time jobs for individuals age 55 and older. DEED utilizes Wagner-Peyser funds to provide a labor exchange, connecting job seekers with potential employers. Unemployment Insurance (UI), Veterans, Work Opportunities Tax Credit and Trade Adjustment Act programs are also accessed through DEED. DEED's Business Services efforts are meant to complement local efforts. The local plan is incorporated with economic development, education and local entities identified by the Workforce Development Board Council. RMCEP fully endorses the promotion of equal opportunity and non-discrimination in all aspects of employment and training including recruitment, selection, appointment, promotion, compensation and any other personal or programmatic action for RMCEP staff, participants or subcontractors. Comments should be submitted by May 13, 2016, to: Dan Wenner, Director Rural Minnesota CEP, Inc. 803 Roosevelt Avenue P.O. Box 1108 Detroit Lakes, MN 56502-1108. To read the DRAFT plan click here