Youth Services
RMCEP offers a comprehensive set of employment and training services designed for at-risk youth which focuses on helping them complete high school and develop a career plan, while providing them with practical hands-on work experience opportunities.
Our Youth programs are provided as part of an array of services available at the Workforce Centers. RMCEP partners with local education providers, health and human service providers, Job Corps, community based organizations, foster care, faith-based organizations, juvenile justice programs, Junior Achievement, Youthbuild, Apprenticeship, Minnesota Conservation Corps, Rehabilitation Services, State Services for the Blind, and many other agencies that serve youth.
The Youth Counselors at RMCEP are well-trained and dedicated people who understand the needs and concerns of today’s youth. They focus on guiding youth to be successful in their employment and educational goals.
WIOA Youth Program
RMCEP provides a year-round comprehensive set of services for youth who are aged 14 – 21, meet income guidelines, and have one or more barriers to employment success. The goal of this program is to work closely with each youth to provide effective learning environments linking education and employment as we guide them through career exploration, the development of a career plan, and leadership opportunities.
Elements of the WIOA Youth Plan include:
- Comprehensive career-related guidance and planning;
- Employment opportunities linked to academic and occupational learning;
- Paid and unpaid work experience;
- Occupational skills training;
- Alternative secondary school options to complete high school;
- Tutoring, study skills training, instruction leading to secondary school completion, including dropout prevention strategies;
- Leadership development opportunities;
- Mentoring;
- Supportive services (financial assistance with certain costs related to gaining employment or completing an educational goal);
- Follow-up services
MN Youth Program
RMCEP provides a summer work experience program for youth who are aged 14 – 24, meet income guidelines, or may be an at-risk youth. The goal of this program is to work closely with each youth to provide a work experience in the summer months, and support learning positive and healthy work ethics.
Elements of the MYP Program include:
- Paid work experience;
- Coordination with summer school classes and working;
- Leadership development opportunities;
- Mentoring;
- Limited supportive services (financial assistance with certain costs related to participating in work experience or meeting an educational goal)