

The purpose for establishing regional leadership is to ensure ownership and accountability for regional planning and oversight. This is identified as Goal #1 – Establish Regional Leadership Approach - in the Regional Plan and based on the requirements outlined in the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), passed by Congress in 2014. The federal regulation that describes the regional planning work is found at C.F.R. 679.510 a.1.i/v.

Key Action Steps

committee graphic

Identify Staff Committee


Identify Executive Committee Staff Committee to serve as a staff and liaison between the local boards and the Regional Workforce Alliance (RWA).

Expected Completion Date

Completed March 2017

Expected Outcomes

Staff leadership from NWPIC, RMCEP, Inter-County Community Council, and DEED Job Service will meet to coordinate RWA meetings and serve as liaison between local boards and RWA.

Regional Plan Narrative

Regional Plan Sec A.1-2

membership graphic

Establish Regional Workforce Alliance Membership


Membership of the RWA will include key industry leaders from identified sectors, representatives of populations experiencing employment disparities, members of local boards, as well as local staff and state agency consultants.

Expected Completion Date

Initial group established January 2017, ongoing

Expected Outcomes

Local staff will recommend membership to local boards for approval; Development of Memorandum of Understanding

Regional Plan Narrative

Regional PlanSec A.2

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Define Leadership Responsibilities for staff and RWA


Define Responsibilities of Regional Workforce Alliance to include:

  1. aligning strategies and developing initiatives to promote
  2. seamless workforce development service,
  3. develop identified career pathways, and
  4. support identified industry sectors.

Expected Completion Date

End of June 2018

Expected Outcomes

Clear Responsibilities and expectations outlined in Memorandum of Understanding.

Regional Plan Narrative

Regional Plan Sec. A.6

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