Funding, Resource Policy and Systems
Goal: Advocate for resource alignment and policy; evaluate impact of regional efforts
Key Action Steps to increase access for career seekers and employers:
- Provide opportunities to train employers about New Americans
- Provide opportunities for diversity and inclusion training for staff and boards
- Engage job seekers to align with business workforce needs; provide training that meets employers’ needs
- Identify and develop culturally-specific service delivery methods
- Implement Disability Initiative Enhancement program (youth)
In the first two years of the regional plan, the Regional Workforce Alliance is developing systems approaches for customers, agencies, and regional approaches that can be articulated by all staff. Strategies include identification, development and implementation of culturally diverse employment and training service delivery methods that utilize the connections made following participation in Marnita’s Table.
Service delivery projects include expanded access to services such as implementation of the Mobile Workforce Center and examining operation hours to maximize access to services, especially for clients with barriers and those residing in smaller communities. The region is identifying the skills and credentials for occupations in their career pathways consistent with sector input and career advancement continuums. This ensures that core program activities are aligned with sector partnerships. Entry to all the career pathways will be closely aligned with Adult Basic Education (ABE); this includes contextualized bridge courses.
Regional Equity Efforts
Our region's outreach and inclusion includes establishing regular meetings and engaged conversations with individuals, leaders and entities representing populations experiencing disparities in employment., The focus is to understand the needs and barriers and identify culturally-specific methods to eliminate disparities in employment.
Stakeholder input is integral in the development process of strategies to address discrepancies and align workforce development to meet the needs of Region 1's Native American population., This population has high unemployment on three reservations and high levels of poverty. Tribal Partners expressed interest in developing Career Advising at the Tribal Colleges. In early 2017, the Regional Workforce Alliance gained representation from Somalies and Native American populations. We will continue to examine methods to train employers about new Americans.