State Senator Visits RMCEP
16 Oct 2014
Minnesota State Senator Carrie Ruud recently visited our Brainerd office. In her newletter she states:
"This morning I attended an event at Brainerd Workforce Development Center for the Rural Minnesota Concentrated Employment Program (CEP). We discussed current workforce development and unemployment issues in our region. RMCEP is the employment and training center and contacts with Cass and Crow Wing Counties to deliver the Minnesota Family Investment Program MFIP, Diversionary Work Program DWP, and Supplemental Nutrition Program SNAP. They also provide Workforce Investment Act (WIA) services to employers and job seekers and assist dislocated workers to return to the labor force. Additionally they provide services to youth ages 14-23 through the WIA and Minnesota Youth Programs. Thank you Sue Hilgart, Brainerd Team Leader for this great meeting. RMCEP is an asset to our community."